So, this past weekend I took a trip with Carmen, my fellow Ryerson Journalism Buddy On Exchange In London, to see Joyce, another RJBOE but in Edinburgh. Get that?
We got up really early (5AM) and trained, planed, and bussed our way to Scotland. Turns out, we booked all the wrong bus tickets, but we still found our way.
We found a different bus to get us from Glasgow Prestwick Airport to the Glasgow city centre. I swear, this bus must have been a shuttle for an old folks home, because it felt like walking slow-mo through a movie with all of them looking at us like 'why are you on our bus' type of thing. And even later, we passed a crossing sign for elderly people (an example of such sign here) and I thought to myself 'isn't this where they have to get off?' But they didn't. Oh, and another thing, Scotland has a LOT of sheep. On this bus ride I saw approximately 998723847 of them, a few hairy cows, 2 horses, and 1 ba ba black sheep.
We got to the Glasgow Buchanan station and somehow got on another bus to Edinburgh. It wasn't until we arrived at Edinburgh Station that we realized we missed our stop at Haymarket, but the bus driver took us there anyway, the nice man.
Carmen: "is this where we get off?"
Bus Driver: "Aye, laksjdfkahsdf"
Carmen: ".... is this where we get off?"
Bus Driver: "AYE."
I love it. AYE.
Anyways, we finally found Corey and he took us to his apartment with Joyce. Carmen and I were tired but really hungry, so Joyce, Carmen, and I went to TGIFs for a big dinner, then walked around Edinburgh some, and ended up at the Elephant House, thus making me drool. A lot.

(not a fake!)
The Elephant House is where J.K. Rowling used to go to write her early Harry Potter novels, she would look out the window at Edinburgh Castle. Sigh, so magical that I was in its presence! It's covered in Elephant things, and not much of HP stuff, which is interesting that it didn't cash in on it. But it's packed! It has a really nice warm atmosphere, and all the elephant toys look so friendly. I wish I could have gotten into the back room, but it was completely full.

i enjoy how you're writing 'harry potter' on a napkin...