We couldn't read a word at the museum, but it turned out to be really interesting with random paintings, a much too fun kid exhibit, and a history of the Varmlands area, which is where Karlstad is.

Afterwords, we went back to Vanessa's place where we attempted to watch the Science of Sleep but it was in French with Swedish subtitles so we blew it off and went to the Audio Video store and giggled over silly Swedish translated movie titles until we picked out the wonderful Be Kind Rewind.
The next day, Denis left early in the morning so Vanessa and I had the lazy Swedish sunday to do pretty much nothing. We decided to bike over to town to go to the Royal Cafe. I have not biked in yeeeeears and was really excited to do so, until I found out how much of a pain it gave me (butt bruises, really). I whined the whole way there, but by the way back even though I was sore, I had fun soaring through the pathways of the thawing Karlstad with the wind blowing through my hair. For the rest of the night, Vanessa and I just chilled watching movies/tv.

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